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Gamification Case Study: Release Your Angry Bird June 28, 2014

Posted by stephanieF in Best Practices, Blended Learning, e-Learning Tools, Gaming and Simulation, Intructional Design, Trends.
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Our June 19th session was hosted by Zsolt Olah, a Senior Program Manager at Comcast University’s Product Knowledge team. About five years ago, when Comcast University started using more and more “challenges” and “immersive learning activities” in blended and e-learning solutions, gamification was not as loud and widespread as it is today.

In our session, Zsolt reviewed some of the background and recent realities of gamification. He then provided examples of gamified learning activities explaining that game-based thinking was just as important to the overall design and instructional value of a course. The attached PowerPoint also contains a few slides letting you know that Zsolt gave us a case-in-point gamified session as well (i.e. pigs showing team scores).

ATD_PHL_June2014_zsolt_gamification 2

Here are a few key points that Zsolt mentioned that accompany the slide presentation.

Some entertaining examples of gamification: Amazing Race (gamified running), Top Chef (gamified cooking). However, not everything should be gamified or people will become tired of it. With our training courses, gamification is scalable. You can apply a few or many elements – as long as the learning experience is improved to some degree.

There are two types of gamification: knowledge checks (check your memory) or content converted in a more memorable and immersive manner intended to teach you new things. It is proven that learning content through some kind of experience is more memorable. Games that provide challenges or goals and opportunities to learn something (even solely for entertainment) can invoke people to become so driven that collectively many, many hours are consumed playing (16 years spent every one hour).

Various levels of authoring software are available depending on your level of technical savvy:

> Off-the-shelf: Raptivity and eLearning Brothers have templates (rapid development, but structured, not much flexibility)

> Intermediate: Wavicle and Axonify have more flexibility, but require more development time.

> Higher-end: Construct 2 game engine has user physics built in (user actions trigger an onscreen effect). Much more development time; programmer background is useful, but not required.

Many graphics are free, but you must be sure to cite the sources somewhere! Graphic treatments (layout, imagery) can also be used to disguise typical eLearning interactions to seem more game-based, i.e. non-conventional placement of drag-and-drop objects on an image background.

Our Challenge: Convert content-based instructional design to game-based instructional design. Creating the framework first is the key. Write the story behind the game using reality elements and then turn them into a game.

e-Learning For What’s Below the Waterline January 17, 2007

Posted by Ben Craigo in Blended Learning, Informal Learning, Trends.
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Kineo put out a report last year stating that 80% of learning that happens on the job is informal.  e-Learning guru Jay Cross has sited this number often through papers he’s crafted as well as through dialogues he’s had with others.  Keep on researching this and you’ll find that, while some numbers might vary, the vast majority of people learn most of what they what they need to know on the job outside of a classroom, e-Learning course or other formalized trainings.

Formal learning is really just the tip of the iceburg.

This figure does not diminish the need for formal training.  Quite the contrary – formal training should be the launching point for informal learning.  Elliott Masie said it best at his Learning 2006 conference, and I’m paraphrasing here, when he said “The big question is ‘What’s the least amount of training that I need to provide in order to motivate the learner to seak out the rest of the learning on their own.'” (more…)

Community Blogs January 15, 2007

Posted by Ben Craigo in Blended Learning, Blogging, e-Learning Tools.

Tony Karrer and I connected on the benefits of community blogs and posted that conversation on his blog.  The one BIG thing that blogging and other social software allows is to tap into the current of informal learning in a way that hasn’t been done before.  80% of what we learn happens informally and blogging is a way to open a window into it, guide it.  That’s a powerful concept. 

e-Learning and Informal Learning December 8, 2006

Posted by Ben Craigo in Blended Learning, Trends.
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At his recent conference, Elliot Masie said it best once when he posed the question (and I’m paraphrasing a bit) “What is the least amount that needs to be taught in order for the learner to continue learning on their own?” But this is only one of three questions that should be asked. (more…)