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Battle of the eLearning Tools – Part One May 20, 2014

Posted by stephanieF in Misc.
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A few weeks ago at our April session at MCCC, twelve audience members were split among three teams to discuss four real-life training scenarios. Each team separately discussed the tool(s) they would prefer to use based upon their collective experiences. As a large group we discuss our preferences, and our experiences along with tips for using off-the-shelf authorware such as Articulate Studio, Articulate Storyline, and Captivate.
Please see the attached PDF for details of our discussion. A fourth vote was cast in rounds two and three as honorable mentions (*).

ASTD PHL eLg SIG Battle of eLrg Tools ScoreCard final

Part Two of this session is really a showcase. Due to time constraints we were not able to share examples that evening. Therefore, by audience request we will use the upcoming session on July 17 to share samples and better practices. If you’re a freelance instructional designer/developer or new to eLearning this is a great way to network and pick up a few tips!

Stay tuned to the ASTD Greater Phila – Event webpage for an upcoming announcement: http://www.astdphl.org/Default.aspx?pageId=1776221