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Microlearning: Like it or Not People Are Learning Without Us! August 2, 2011

Posted by mlongstreth in Misc.

The advent of the Internet, Web 2.0, social media, and of course mobile devices have dramatically changed the way all of us obtain information.  Our social and cultural lives have been transformed by technology and the speed of knowledge exchange.

 With the world literally at our fingertips with a few strokes on our computer keyboards, many of us have become proactive in searching out information on a need-to-know basis without waiting to take a class or read a book. In essence, we are microlearning!

 Wikipedia defines microlearning as, “dealing with relatively small learning units and short-term learning activities.” A tweet, a short video, a podcast, a section of a blog, a wiki, a Skype call, and Google Buzz, all can be considered microlearning.

Lana’s presentation sparked a lively discussion on how we can bridge traditional training methodologies with microlearning tools.

 At this event Lana spoke about:

  • The Top 100 Tools of 2010 that people are using for Microlearning
  • Mobile technology and how it effects our learning environments
  • Exploration of several microlearning tools

About our speaker:

Lana Bennett

Lana Bennett

After many years as a corporate training manager and instructional designer, Lana has recently started her own instructional design consulting business called Strategic e-Solutions LLC.

Like many in the learning and development field, Lana started by exclusively working as a classroom trainer.  As learning technologies developed and evolved over the years, she became very interested in ways to integrate these new technologies into training programs.  She creates learning materials in a variety of blended formats including online, classroom, and video to meet the needs of various audiences.

Lana holds a Master’s degree in Corporate Training and Knowledge Management and is certified in project management.


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